Camden,NJ childhood stories II: Vice-Principal’s word of wisdom

One of my favorite teachers at Cramer School was the Vice-Principal Mr. Horsley. He was a great Vice-Prinicpal whose heart was at Cramer School making sure that we were always doing the right thing. He was a great disciplinarian as well. He didn’t let anyone get away with anything. If you did something wrong you got detention no ands or ifs about it.  I remember the last day of school in 4th grade he had a talk with all of the safety patrol members. He always had something good or inspirational to say. On this day he had his heart on his sleeve because he knew he was meeting with us for the very last time. He said it himself this is the last time I meet with you. If there is one thing I want you to remember is to remember the word RESPONSIBILITY from this day forward you are responsible for getting your homework done on time. You are responsible for yourself. As you move on to middle school and high school you are responsible for making sure that you graduate. It is up to you. I never saw Mr. Horsley again that speech that he made June, 1990 has stayed with me to this day. You have a lot of teachers in Camden schools who are like Mr. Horsley. They are passionate about teaching.

It is amazing that I never forgot what he told me. It was a moment I will always remember for the fact that he made sure that we all remembered the word responsibility. The word of wisdom has stayed on my mind. He was 100% correct about the word responsibilty

Published by

Angel Alamo

I am a journalist at BallBuster Music, Co-Host of The Metal Summit, Producer/Host of On the Road with Angel Alamo, The Movers & Shakers.

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